Trigger Fish (clown)


New Member
Mar 23, 2007
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I just got a general question for you guys. I have a Clown Trigger Fish and i just wanted to know why he changes colors soo often (camouflage) i mean he does it a lot i heard from 1 source that it was a form or a sign of stress. Then i heard from another person that he's just plane old camouflaging nothing to get worried about. Either way why do they camouflage i mean for what reasons? And is it something i should look into or be worried about? His habits didn't change he seems healthy as a horse.
Well in the wild they camoflouge from predators obviously, and if he is in a tank where a big creepy human is pressed up to the glass starring at him, he could be stressed and trying to camoflouge if you are watching him too much. If you are so close to where he thinks you are a threat, you could be stressing him out, so I know your worried but you could be the root of the cause, try giving him some space :)If he is new this could probably be it since he could have just come from the "wild", maybe give your lfs a call and ask if he is wild caught or if he was tank bred they might know, if he isn't tank bred then he is stressed. Constant camoflouge as it sounds like your describing seems to point to stress. or maybe his camoflouger is broken who knows
He is definitely wild caught, but probably isn't stressed. If he were stressed, it would be more obvious, with spine flaring, defensive (or aggressive) posture, and perhaps even clicking noises, along with some colour changes.

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