Tridacna Deresa

Crazy fishes

Fish Addict
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Just a quick question, bought a Tridacna Deresa today and was reading that they need to be fed phytoplankton? Is this correct or are they ok with just light and the brine shrimp and cyclops in the water??

Many thanks

Hi, they photosynthesize and contain algae i think? so they will mainly need strong lighting with the occasional bit of brine shrimp or cyclops.
Thanks for the reply Jonny. I am aware of their huge need for light and have that covered with my 150W halide but it is really the issue of the phyto. If I could get away with brineshrimp and cyclops then that would be brilliant but otherwise need to get some phyto from the LFS. The stuff in the bottles can be cultured?

Many thanks

How big is the clam's shell? Young Tridacnids have poorly developed vascular systems and its their vascular system which harbors the zooxanthellae. So the young clams have less symbiotic algae and therefore do not benefit from photosynthesis as much as their mature counterparts. So young clams often need to be spot-fed phyto for bonus nutrition. Then again if you blast it directly under a halide that might not be necessary...

I'd say if your Derasa is 2.5" or more in shell length, it's probably fine. For anyone else reading this, I'd say more for a crocea or maxxima
How big is the clam's shell? Young Tridacnids have poorly developed vascular systems and its their vascular system which harbors the zooxanthellae. So the young clams have less symbiotic algae and therefore do not benefit from photosynthesis as much as their mature counterparts. So young clams often need to be spot-fed phyto for bonus nutrition. Then again if you blast it directly under a halide that might not be necessary...

I'd say if your Derasa is 2.5" or more in shell length, it's probably fine. For anyone else reading this, I'd say more for a crocea or maxxima

Brilliant thanks a lot. I managed to get a larger clam approximately 3.5-4" really beautiful. I like the way the colours in the mantle change colour relative to viewing angle. Look through the front glass and the strips are purple and yellow but from above they are purple and orange. So just light for my clam no phyto well occasional phyto......

Thanks again


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