Tree Roots?


Fish Crazy
May 13, 2012
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Co Durham, UK
So yesterday I dragged home a bit of tree root, as you do, that I walk past every week on my way up to the shops. It was dug up a while back with countless other bits of tree to make way for a giant Tesco that's gong to get built next year. I like the look of it and was planning on bringing it home just to have in the garden, but I thought maybe it would look better in my Fishtank.

I'm not sure if it'll go nicely in there or just look stupid (and there's plenty more where that came from if it's no good), but I was just wondering is there anything special that needs doing to it before I possably make it a tank decoration? Has anyone used tree roots they've found in their tanks?

I was going to strip back the bark, give it a good wash and scrub outside, then bring it inside to have it soak in a mild Milton soloution for maybe a week or two. Make sure it's clean and safe. Is that the right idea or does something more need to be done?

I have used fruit wood before for past pets, but this isn't from a fruit tree. No way of telling what it was from so does that matter?
It will need to be dead and fully dry before it is safe to use. :good:

You have already mentioned the other steps that need doing
It is dead. Sure of that. Right now it's sitting in the rain outside so I'm having to wait till it's dry. Does it need to be dry before I treat it or can I treat it now and then leave it to dry? Not sure which way round to do things.

I like it 'cause when it's wet it has this really nice deep red colour to the wood under the bark.

It is definatly a hard wood as well. I know that. Not sure what tree it's from but all the ones where it was found were hard wood trees.
When i said dry i meant free from sap.

Oh! I get it now : ) And yes, it's bone dry in that sense.

@wayne the pain: I don't think I have Beach trees round here, but I bet they look nice : )

Found another good looking bit that I'll be dragging home. This bit is more like a bit of trunk or a very big branch (not sure which). But it still looks like it could work well, so I'll bring it home, clean it up and see what it looks like after that.

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