Treats For Pygmys

Floyds mum

Fish Herder
Jul 31, 2009
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What treats could i get for my pygmys?
I have bloodworms, freeze dried and frozen ones, tubifex-freeze dried.
I feed my pygmys on defrosted baby brine shrimp,tetra prima mini pellets,flakes,defrosted daphnia,also grate some frozen bloodworm,or chop it when defrosted,although this tends to be a bit messy :rolleyes:

They also relish the small sinking algae wafers :)
I feed my pygmys on defrosted baby brine shrimp,tetra prima mini pellets,flakes,defrosted daphnia,also grate some frozen bloodworm,or chop it when defrosted,although this tends to be a bit messy :rolleyes:

They also relish the small sinking algae wafers :)

Yay a long list ty, would whole defrosted bloodworms be too large for them to manage?
If i chop freeze dried bloodworms up and soack them in tank water would this work to?
Just looking at what ive got atm till i get paid :hey:
i do feed whole defrosted bloodworm to the tank for the other corys,but i'm wary with the pygmys after the guppy fry got whole bw stuck in the mouth and noticed this the following day :crazy:thankfully i managed to pull them back out! :rolleyes:

I never tried soaking freeze dried you could give it a try :)

Just to add i'm wary about giving mine freeze dried tubiflex,its something wilder said about them,will have to find the post it was on...
Ok thanx, will try both ways with freeze dried bw's (break dried up AND soacking some to) will post how it goes.
Will ask wilder about tubifex.
Here's the post on tubifex
Still not 100% sure lol
Ive pm'ed wilder but ill probably just give the tub to my dad or a friend with goldies lol
Hi Floyds mum :)

Freeze dried tubifex are a good protein food for corys and I use them as back up when I can't get live blackworms or frozen bloodworms which are my first choices for meaty foods. To get them down to where the corys are, hold the cube (or part of one) under the water for a few moments until it softens. Then you can squeeze it and shake it to separate the worms. They will then slowly float to the bottom.

The freeze dried tubifex are safe to use but the live ones are somewhat questionable. While blackworms are farmed in safe and controlled conditions, live tubifex are sometimes collected from less savory environments and may carry harmful bacteria. The process of freeze drying will kill them and make the resulting product safe for aquarium use. :)
Hi Floyds mum :)

Freeze dried tubifex are a good protein food for corys and I use them as back up when I can't get live blackworms or frozen bloodworms which are my first choices for meaty foods. To get them down to where the corys are, hold the cube (or part of one) under the water for a few moments until it softens. Then you can squeeze it and shake it to separate the worms. They will then slowly float to the bottom.

The freeze dried tubifex are safe to use but the live ones are somewhat questionable. While blackworms are farmed in safe and controlled conditions, live tubifex are sometimes collected from less savory environments and may carry harmful bacteria. The process of freeze drying will kill them and make the resulting product safe for aquarium use. :)

Ah thanks all the info i needed :D

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