Treatments Safe With Shrimps And Snails


Fish Herder
Dec 12, 2011
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i have 2 glass fish one of whom has a few minute white spots, am i paniking, if i assume it is whitespot and treat anyway, not sure what with as i have several choices, king british disease clear, melafix, primafix and aquariam salt is all i have to hand, although i do have 100s of MTS and several shrimps is any of these ok to use with the shrimp
I'm using Waterlife Protozin for whitespot at the moment. That's NOT ok for snails. My snails have had to go in my fry tank.

Can you set up a storage tub for your snails and shrimp if you've not got a spare tank?
Can you set up a storage tub for your snails and shrimp if you've not got a spare tank?

no other tank and my storage tub is fishless cycling another filter, is the melafix for white spot, it dosnt say on the label just use for bacterial infections
ive heard raising the temp and using salt can be effective but i have a mixed bag in my tank and am unsure if salt and raising the temp will affect my other fish, i have corys and khulis, cherry barbs and a swordtail the glass fish and the shrimp, so any help will be really appreciated on how to tackle this
Don't know about the salt, but I used Interpet Anti White Spot and it worked, plus my shrimps had babies during treatment, so it is definitely not harmful.
just read the instructions for melafix and it says treat daily anddo a water change after 7, however, im nearing the end of my cycle and still doing daily changes, so what do i do?
I wouldn't use salt if you've got cories.
ok, i just remembered i let a neighbour borrow my whitespot treatment and got it back, so dosed with that
i dosed as required on the label, but there is just one small spot on one fish that wont go, is it safe to dose again?
If it is a raised spot keep on treating. If it is a mark left behind from where a spot fell off then you are nearing the end and have 3 to 4 days left to treat. Took me 16 days to eradicate ich.
thanks, its more like a faded mark, not actually a raised spot, the treatment said dose then again in 4 days to complete treatment, (that was 4 days ago) but i wasnt sure if that mark was enough to cause another outbreak or not

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