Treatment Gone Bad!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
Ok in my new tank I have both finrot and velvet..
Tank has 3 corys and 7 tiger barbs.

The finrot seems to be taking more effect so I decided to treat this first.

I am using:

I added the dosage as per instructions that came with the bottle: 10ml for every 40 ltrs..
64 ltr tank so I added 16ml

Within 5min the corys were having severe spasms and pretty much on deaths door.
The tiger barbs had gone completely recessive and are currently hiding and didnt look at all health either.

I RUSHED a 70% water change and they seem to be "bad" but definately not looking like they could die any second like they were..

all I can say is "what the $%^£$%^??????"


Not treating with anything else.
No other chemicals added to the water..

Just fish.. water..tap water treatment... food.
You need to treat for the velvet first. Parasites can be fast killers.
Velvet far worse than whitespot and harder to get rid of.

Go out and buy a velvet med.
Do you have a whitespot med in stock.

Do a water change and run some black carbon to get the jbl med out of the tank water.
yeah i bought both today I do have it.. but going to leave it a little for the fish to recuperate from todays eppisode.

Any ideas as to what could cause this??

ps.. carbon back in....

might repeat water change after a few hours....
If the fish have velvet you need to start treating.

Oodinium (a.k.a. Velvet)


Oodinium is commonly called "Velvet" because infected fish have a yellowish-brown "velvety" coating that covers its body. When the gills are affected rapid gill movements will be seen. Infected fish often scrape against objects in the aquarium in an effort to remove the parasite. In severe infestations, the skin may peel away in strips. Lack of appetite and lethargy usually accompany these other symptoms.


The dinoflagellate Oodinium pillularis. This parasite feeds on the flesh of the fish, destroying the cells of its skin and can even infect its internal organs. This parasite is highly contagious due to the fact that it can survive up to 24 hours without a host. When without a host, they drop to the bottom of the aquarium, where they multiply and wait to find a new host.


Because Oodinium is extremely contagious, all fish, and the aquarium they inhabit, should be treated. Recommended medications include Paraform, Acriflavin, Quick Cure, and Formalin.

looks like all fish will survive...


If they react like this to fin rot medication.. how the £$% am I gonna treat it and what type of thing could caues this reaction?
The spasms are probably due to the parasite.
If you have any sensitive fish just half dose the velvet med.

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