Treating Ich


Jun 16, 2003
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I am using Mardel CopperSafe to treat Ich. I also turned the temperature up to around 85F. It's a 37 gallon tank. how long does it usually take for the ich to be eliminated?

- kip
Keep dosing it as directed on the box. I believe its usually 15 days.
the CopperSafe says to treat once, and it'll last a month.

i suppose i'll have to add some as i do water changes.
:eek: must be quite a powerful med if one treatment will last a month :/

Have you ever heard of that Mardel CopperSafe stuff wetwetwet?
Have you seen my article in beginners questions regarding ICH. You may find it interesting. The thing to remember is medicines will not kill the white spot whilst it's on it's host. It has to be in the free swimming stage for the medicine to work. Increasing water temp. will increase the speed ich develops, but does nothing to destroy the Theront.
skiltrip said:
Have you ever heard of that Mardel CopperSafe stuff wetwetwet?
I've heard you guys that side of the pond talk about it but we don't have it over here :/

Hi Skiltrip,

I know of copper safe, and it's more or less used as a preventative as opposed to a treatment (it does work on some ectoparasites though). Although it will have a small impact on the ich, I haven't had much success with copper safe and ich, not enough to get rid of it completely. Mardel Maracide works well for ich I've found, usually getting completely rid of it within 5-10 (depending on how bad the infestation is). You'll want to make sure you remove all the copper before you use another "anti-parasite" treatment, do this by small water changes over the next few days. Might be a good idea to pick up a copper test from the LFS. I don't know how effective carbon is at removing copper, maybe someone else knows if a brand new carbon will be able to pull it out?
Wet, we have coppersafe from Interpet. I think it's from them anyway. Similar ingredients.(Chelated copper) Lethel to all inverts. I used to use Malichite Green, even more potent and a natural poison to inverts. Now I have an ozoneator which destroys everything microscopic.
So are you suggesting I forget about using this CopperSafe stuff, remove it from the water, and try something else? It says on the packaging it's for treatment, not for prevention. I have had it in under 24 hours, so I can't say yet whether it's working or not of course.

Another question. I understand about how only the free floating stage of Ich can be killed, but how do the cysts on the fish get removed then? Do they die on their own once the ich cycle ends?

- kip
The coppersafe will work fine, just make sure your carbon is removed. I wouldn't go mixing meds. The cysts on the fish are like an egg and detach from the fish after a few days. They land in the substrate and hatch tons of free swimming parasites.
In the instructions for the CopperSafe it says to keep up normal filtration. Also, that if the carbon/filter cartridges have been in there for over 2 weeks, and they have, that the carbon need not be removed. But to not use new carbon. I treated the water 24 hours ago, and have not removed the carbon. what would you suggest. Do you think some of the meds have been removed already?

(the cartridges have been in there for just under a month i would say, i was do to change them next week)

- kip
Just take em out to be safe. It says that you can leave them because carbon is pretty much useless after a few weeks.
I will remove the carbon.. one question, do you think any of the meds have been removed already. (again, it's been 24 hours) i'm worried that i lost some of the copper concentration in the water. but of course, i don't want to over medicate the water either. what do you think?

p.s. hey revengeishere.... the firemouth is doing splendid, and also has no signs of ich. so hopefully i can get rid of it before he gets any cysts.
he's totally king of the tank. the tiger barbs now behave around him. i think he layed down the law. :D

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