How long should I treat my mollie for parasites just to be safe? She is separated from the community tank so I can keep her this way until she is cured. TIA
Dependant on the parasite. if it's ich, then it's until all the spots disappear. If it a visible parasite such as worms then treat it until the worms drop off. Fungal infections are a little more difficult, but again treat it until visible signs disappear.
That's the problem, they're internal parasites. I saw the mollie scraping her belly against the driftwood alot, which is the usual sign of internal parasites. I don't know how long the life cycle of these parasites is or how long they should be treated for . Does anyone who's treated this before know?
Anyone? Please I know this isn't a desperate emergency but I really need some advice. I don't want to keep my fish separate any longer than totally necessary. They like each other's company and get a bit stressed when all by them selves in a smaller area than they're used to. Please help.
IT SHOULD SAY ON THE LABEL...I would recommend days 1-3-5-7 and look for symptoms after...thats not very good advice though, thta's just what I've read on the labels of my fish internal parasite medications...
The instructions on the label are really vague. It says nothing whatsoever about how long treatment should be continued for. What is the usual length of time standard treatments take?
I've been treaing my fish with Maracyn and on that instruction sheet it says to treat for five days and then if necessary repeat. So my guess would be maybe a five or ten day cycle. What's the name of the medicine you're using?
The medicine is promethyasul. I've just treated the community tank and will leave the meds in for a week til the next water change and gravel vac. If any fish still show signs of disease I'll re-treat the tank.