Treating Dropsy


Hypan addict
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, UK
My son's VT, Spencer, has been quiet the last few days and his tummy was getting quite big. My husband has been feeding the fish the past 10 days or so as I was in hospital for an operation and once out unable to do much so he kindly took over. As I didn't want to complicate things by explaining all the frozen foods etc I just got him to give the bettas 2 bio gold pellets twice a day.

I think that the change in diet to just pellet must have bunged poor Spencer up. I have now changed back to their variety of frozen/flake/pellet/jelly foods but his belly is still very big and he was getting quieter. He started losing colour yesterday and I fasted him then fed a pea on the evening of which he ate a little. I had seen these signs before so started treating with Maracyn and Maracyn 2 (thanks Sarah Bravo). This morning the dreaded pineconing has started so my fears were correct that he has dropsy.

I've given him an epsom salt bath this morning and there is epsom salt in his tank water. Tank (12 litres) is fully cycled Am 0 Nitrite 0 and Nitrate 5 so I really think it was just the food that started this off. My question is, at which point do I give up on the meds and put him out of his misery? He's now lying on his side on the gravel breathing very heavily and I haven't seen him come up for air in the last hour. The meds have only been in since yesterday so I'm wondering if he can come back from this or am I torturing him?

Any opinions gratefully received :)
I'm sorry to hear of your situation.

I don't know if this is the answer you are looking for, but when they lose color and are laying on the bottom, the end is pretty near. I wish there was something I could say or do here for you, but at least take comfort in the fact that the end is coming for him. It shouldn't be too long.

I, personally feel like when they get to this stage, it's best to just let them decide when it's time to go.

Best wishes.
Betta talk I belive has some ideas on "ending" it. I however am a big cry baby and could never do any of them.
As BettaMomma said sometimes its just best to let them decide. :-(
Thanks guys. He's still the same although I've seen him come up for air.

If I decide to euthanise I'll use clove oil as I use this method before and its very quick. Just didn't want to do it too soon and not give the meds chance to work.

Its my son's betta and he's away till tomorrow night now so I guess it makes it a bit easier if I have to do the deed as I could just say he passed in the night :(

Will give him till tomorrow and see how he is
Do you have the option to get ahold of some colloidal silver?
Or do you have any?
i'm told that stuff cures EVERYthing.
Just a thought for you to think about.
Have tried to get that stuff BettaMomma but failed so far.

Update is that Spencer died just before I went to bed last night

:rip: :byebye:

Will have to console my son with one of my new guys I got from Bettaman
awww,I'm so sorry Joby :( Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that your son was away,it might have broke his little heart to see his favorite boy dying like that.

A new betta can't replace a lost one,but it sure can take away a lot of the hurt :)
I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
It certainly will probably have been easier for it to have happened while your son was away.
Saying goodbye to the little guys is always really hard.

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