Treating Black Ghost Knife


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2009
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my black ghost knife has white spot and i know you have to be careful with treating them with some medication as they have no scales. so what can i use to treat it?
Post in the right part of the forum. You will get more help over there.
You have to use half dose with sensitive fish.

How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
my black ghost knife has white spot and i know you have to be careful with treating them with some medication as they have no scales. so what can i use to treat it?

1. Check water stats (with a liquid test kit)
1a. improve water stats if needed (through water changes)

2. increase temp
2a. Also increase aeration to compensate for lack of 0xygen

3. Treat with a rated whitespot treatment (WS3 or Protozin if you are UK based)
3a. Half dose for sensitive or scaleless species (includes clown loach and BGK)

4. Monitor water stats throughout treatment and act if required (via 10-15% waterchanges daily if required)
All of the above advice, also I can tell you that protozin is good with ghost knives, mine doesnt react to it at all, unlike other medications, so if you need to medicate, after taking the above steps as suggested, then I recommend it.

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