The instructions on the Melafix bottle do not mention water changes but everything I seem to find says do a water change everyday, most saying 100%. The one thing that concerns me about all the water changes is the stress factor. Since fin rot is mainly caused by stress, does it not seem that the whole process of netting the fish, putting him in a bowl, leaving him there for the 10 minutes it takes to do water change, catching him again, sticking in a plastic bag, and floating to acclimate to fresh water would cause way more stress damage than just leaving him in perfectly good water. My water parameters are absolutely perfect: ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all 0 (I have live plants in 2.5 gallon so nitrates are 0) pH stable at 7.0. Since I started treating him, I check it every day and it is always the same. Why should I change this water every day and stress him more?