Trapping Methods


New Member
Aug 4, 2003
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Bay Area, California, US
I have a couple of Siamese algae eaters that are starting to get too big for my tank, I have a couple of ways to get them out, however I was wondering if anyone has any ideas/stories about capturing fish?

I use a jar! Works great, it's large enough so that they swim into it before figuring out that it's trap, and by then I'm already liftin em out!! :D
I usually ise a small bucket or a large cup depending on how big the fish is. I think it is a lot easier and better for the fish than using a net.

Hi Xenity7,

I have just got a Trap-Eze fish trap which I will be trying out. It is primarily aimed at marine tanks where you wouldn't be able to get to the fish without dismantling reefs, etc. but it is also suitable for fresh.

Due to holidays, etc. I haven't had a a chance to use it properly but I did put it in the tank and the fish were going in and out quite happily after a while.

I will post more info on the forum once I have had a chance to use it properly. I have made a couple of modifications to the trap to make it a bit easier for me to use which I will be passing on to the manufacturers.

Cheers, Eddie

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