Trapped Red Cherry Shrimp


New Member
Nov 12, 2010
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we have some red cherry shrimp in 2 of our tanks, never kept them before these and i noticed over the last month we have lost 3! and after loosing the 3rd today looks like it call all be to the same cause

the first fatality I found when I moved a large conch shell when netting fry and the dead shrimp floated up from somewhere under it, then the second in another tank i found when i moved a large moss ball and it looked like it had floated from beneath it, then this morning in the same tank there was one dried and dead on the top the lid has its a 4mm sheet of glass and has 1/2 inch gap all the way around it looks like one of the breeding traps I have in there doesnt have fixings like the others it floats but pretty much stays against the side in the same place the explination i can think of is shrimp again got trapped down the side and jumped out of the top!

anyone else had trapped shrimp? we have loads of Endler's fry to adult and not lost a single 1, we have a got a hand full of shrimp and they seem to be getting trapped left and right! looks like something i over looked
i have 8 shrimp and only ever had 1 fatality and that was just out of the blue.i havent long started keeping shrimp but it may just be that they have died due to slighty lower water quality than they are used to.
hope this helps slightly
All the tests i do regularly on my water ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate are perfect.

The reason for posting was it appears they've all been trapped and one out of water, I noticed moving things about to see how fast they get out the way and they don't not like a wary fish thats always moving, they sit there unless the threat is too close then they shoot off a short distance but moving the moss ball about they just seem to hold on to it and ride it for a bit before finding somewhere to get off, defiantly looks like they've been trapped

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