Fish Crazy
I currently have a Gold Nugget Plec in my 12G tank (he's only 2" big). They are hard to get around here, so I had to get one while my LFS had him in stock. It was also a benefit that he's a small one, so he would be cramped in my 12G tank.
This fish's ultimate home is going to be in my 72G tank (currently empty). I did fishless cycling and got a small unexpected ammonia reading... so I'm waiting for that to hit zero, then add a few fish (the plec and some rummynose tetras).
I want to know if there are any special guidelines to transferring fish that don't already apply to introducing a new fish that you bring home. The reason I'm asking is that my water parameters are different in the 2 tanks. They are as follows:
12G Tank
Temp: 78-80F
pH: 6.8 (no buffering - straight tap water)
72G Tank
Temp: 84F (ultimately for Discus, plec, and rummys)
pH: 6.0-6.2 (due to driftwood)
So you see that there will be a rise in temperature and a drop in pH.
Any suggestions on the best approach to the transfer?
This fish's ultimate home is going to be in my 72G tank (currently empty). I did fishless cycling and got a small unexpected ammonia reading... so I'm waiting for that to hit zero, then add a few fish (the plec and some rummynose tetras).
I want to know if there are any special guidelines to transferring fish that don't already apply to introducing a new fish that you bring home. The reason I'm asking is that my water parameters are different in the 2 tanks. They are as follows:
12G Tank
Temp: 78-80F
pH: 6.8 (no buffering - straight tap water)
72G Tank
Temp: 84F (ultimately for Discus, plec, and rummys)
pH: 6.0-6.2 (due to driftwood)
So you see that there will be a rise in temperature and a drop in pH.
Any suggestions on the best approach to the transfer?