Transfering Piranhas


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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if i put my 2 red belly piranhas (4" or so each) into a 5 gallon bucket...

#1 should i have a 5 gallon for each or both in it?
#2 just fill it up about 6" right?
#3 theyre gonna be in there for about an hour and a half. theyll be fine without an airstone or anything right?
#4 should i put a lid on the bucket or no?

personally I'd use seperate buckets as two piranah in such a small enviroment for that amount of time may just turn on eachother.

as you are going to be around 1.5 hrs then I'd fill the buckets to half their volume.

you shouldn't need an airstone and if you wrap the buckets in newspaper then place the entire thing in a black bin liner
this will help insulate the bucket and minimise heat loss.

the last one is sort of answered by the others, yes lids on.
I agree with The-Wolf.

You most definitely want them seperated when traveling no matter what their size is, from dime-size to mature. When scared and out of their element they will snap and bite at anything and everything while in a net or flopping on the ground, they will be very frightened in a pail and may do the same to each other while in motion.

The lid is especially important as they are good jumpers and have even jumped out of tanks with lids on them by crashing through them.
i just used one 5 gallon bucket filled up about half way...they were in there for about 45mins and then another 30-40 for the person i sold them to. they made it ok (ps i used a lid but took it off once in a while to check on them) but they were good in the 5 gallon bucket

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