

Fish Fanatic
Feb 4, 2005
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I just purchased a betta and was wondering when it will learn feeding times. In my other tank they all know as soon as I lift the lid I am most likely going to feed them. However with my betta the food floats so it isn't like he will see the food. Is there any way or trick that teaches them when to come up for food? Or should I just buy a different type of pellet? One that doesn't float? Also do they eat veggies like peas?
My betta sharkie knows that when the lid is open he will get fed and swims right up to the top. I even have him following my finger when I point to flakes that he may have missed.
It will take you only a few days and then he'll be doing the snake dance up at the top of the water waiting for you to drop in the pellets.
And they can see them even if the light is off. Mine can, anyway.
They're just like bloodhounds. If there's food to be found, they'll find it :)
Bettas love peas. They're a natural laxative for them, used to relieve constipation, or as a treat, or to PREVENT constipation.

Most Bettas will come up for their dinner. Some will come up and OUT of the water for their dinner, so watch out for that. They just need time to get used to your feeding schedules and habits, like any animal.
Bettas automatically come to the surface of the water when they see movement above them. Probably an instinctive reaction... my bettas took about 3 days to realize that I = FOOD and now they come up to the top and do the "betta butt wiggle" even when my hand isn't above them. I've even "trained" them to leap out of the water to grab bloodworms hanging out of an eyedropper. :flex: It's good exercise for them and it sparks their appetite. Plus, I love seeing their little butt wiggle before they jump. :wub: :wub: :wub: :lol:
One of my Plakats is trained for that, too. He jumps two inches out of the water, completely vertical, for his bloodworms and blackworms, and then slips back, still completely vertical. It's so cute.
Mine go crazy as soon as I lift the little flaps on their aquarium hoods. They will both try to leap out and grab stuff before I can even get it dropped in. Nothing ever goes to waste, they are VERY enthusiastic eaters :D
I wiggle my finger on top of the water and he comes to me. He has his special little spot where he eats. He wont eat anywhere else. I drop one pellet at a time and wait till he eats it which is usually pretty fast.
Thanks guys :D My betta is such a cutie I can't wait till he gets used to me :wub: I'll try the doing the water movement when I feed and maybe he'll get used to that :hyper:
I should have also added that I always feed them in the same spot too, so now as soon as they see my finger near or going near that spot, they come rushing up all excitedly. :) I'm sure your guy will be doing the same in no time :)

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