Training fish


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 16, 2008
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Turns out its much easier than I thought.
Last night on a whim I turned off the filter before feeding the ember tetra tank. They all dived for cover when the pump went off and it took them 2-3 minutes to notice that they had been fed. So I did it again tonight. The instant I hit the switch they all stormed to the surface to be fed.
Perhaps I should get a dog next ;)
Turns out its much easier than I thought.
Last night on a whim I turned off the filter before feeding the ember tetra tank. They all dived for cover when the pump went off and it took them 2-3 minutes to notice that they had been fed. So I did it again tonight. The instant I hit the switch they all stormed to the surface to be fed.
Perhaps I should get a dog next ;)
I have a tiny spoon which I used to dish out my fish food. Before I do so I tap the glass of the tank two times. The fish come running for the food that is then delivered. I’ve then go to the refrigerator and fix myself a snack. Pavlov was no fool.
Betta do play with finger nail they bite and hang there until they don't want any more, as my experience.
Doing a fingers in circle gold fish swim through and play.....
I've been tapping the lid of the food container on the rim of the tank. I think my honey gourami is starting to get it.
My tank has a flip up flap for feeding. As soon as the flap clicks they are there.

One of the rope fish I had in the past would eat from my fingers and swim back and forth my spread fingers.
All my fish are in tanks near our kitchen. If I approach the fridge they all look expectantly out the side of the tank where they can see the fridge. If I then walk towards the tank from the fridge they go back and forth from the side of the tank to the top where I feed them.
Training / conditioning complete. I do have a dinner gong for most of my tanks. The reason I never turned the filter off on this tank is its on my desk and to get to the socket I have to get behind the desk, which means lifting the chair out. So at Thursday's water change when I had to do that anyway I put in a smart plug, if nothing else it will make water changes easier. There were another 2 plugs in the pack so I added them to the other 2 tanks in the same room (reaching the plugs on those is easy). Then I set an automation to turn off all 3 tanks, wait 15 minutes and turn them back on again.

Tonight I stuck my head around the door where the fish could not see me and ran the automation. All the fish raced to the surface before I entered the room :p - except the CPDs who aren't the most enthusiastic feeders ;)

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