

Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2003
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My betta, Finch, the pet store rescue, passed away this morning. I awoke to him sunk at the bottom of his tank, and what looked like all his 'skin' shed off. Scales floating everywhere and even more kicked up from the bottom when I picked the tank up to take it to the bathroom. I can only assume he was sick when I purchased him, as he was living in atrocious conditions... It's still very sad, though. I noticed signs of sickness yesterday, when he wedged himself in his silk plant. He ate well though! His normal amount of food, (about 4 pellets in the morning, two and a smaaaaall bloodworm clump at night), was gone as soon as I put it in there as it usually was. He just wasn't as active. :( It's quite sad. I wish I knew what was wrong. I haven't heard of fish falling apart like that. Maybe he'd been dead all night?
That's very strange, sudden death and a sudden decay -_- :unsure: :huh: ,maybe he had an internal parasite or bacteria infection :huh:

so sorry for your loss :sad: ,at least it was quick and not a long drawn out ordeal for the little guy
He could have contracted a bad skin condition due to the poor conditions he was kept in before you purchased him. It's so sad that he died. But when we hear the personal fishes that pass away on this forum, we all know at least they died under loving conditions and that should count for a lot. At least you put some comfort in his life and that made sure didn't die without knowing what it was like to be loved and cared for.... :-(

Another 100 bettas are now born into this world....
So sad to hear ur betta died. It sounds like u were keeping it fine and u did not kill this guy. The lfs killed it. It's cruel, keeping them like that. But i guess thats business. Maybe there might be a better way of doing it? Someone should invent some kinda economic but healthy betta keeping thingy.

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