Toxic apples


New Member
Mar 5, 2004
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A customer of mine has a 100 gal reef aquarium which i set up 18months ago all has been going well untill last week...

all was well on the fri morning when he left his house but when he returned sun evening EVERY fish was dead!

I have considerd the dead sea apple releasing its toxins but im not sure it would be enough to be dangerous in a 100 gals of water and to kill 100% of fish????

also every invert is fine including corals crabs snails shrimps everything!!!
the only things dead had a backbone!

could really do with some help here!

WOW thats gotta hurt.. i hope sum1 can help.. thats canny drastic..

yep, its definatly the sea apple. these IMO are not worth the risk in captivity. if the release there toxin, then thats it. one sea apple has enough toxin to easily kill all the fish in a 1000 gallon tank. this is the same for breeding cucumbers, and boxfish etc. say for example, a box fish was killed by another fish in a tank and shed its toxins and killed all the fish, then if you took say 5ml of water out of water out of that tank and put it in another 100gallon tank, then that can do just as much damage.

sorry to hear about the loss but keeping 2 cucumbers, sea apples, boxfish etc comes with a massive risk.

OK thanks for your help ste2k3 ill tell him today.
does that mean that inverts are immune to the toxins then? shrimps can be very sensative to water quality especially nitrates so i would have thought they would have sufferd as well?
yes, only fish are affected, its like copper. only inverts are effected by this. copper prevents the heamoglobin in the blood absorbing oxygen in inverts and so they are starved of oxygen. not sure why only fish are effected but I'll try and find out.

ste :)

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