Tour Through My Bedroom Tanks


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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Starts off with my 3 week old X.Laevis tadpoles, then to my pair of X.Borealis who I am trying to get to breed, then up to my main 72 Gallon tank which houses my African Clawed Frog colony with two goldfish. Ends with my temporay Axolotl set up - this is the closest I can set up a tank near an Air Conditioning to keep them cool during the summer - houses my two Axolotls, both about 6" long, one reticulated named Jellybean and one natural named Reese.

Forgive the sometimes erratic filming...I often start watching a frog and forget the camera in hand! And the "darkness" towards the end is me trying to film my natural axolotl in dim lighting - I could make him out on my camera screen but he does not show up well in the video until further towards the end :rolleyes::blush:

Lol nice tanks! I love the way arican clawed frog's skin jiggles and flops and how their skin rolls over their face kind of when the bite or is eating haha. Btw random question, what would be a minimum tank size for one?

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