Tour Of My Work


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2007
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Well yesterday a random guy walked in with an eski holding what turned out to be two 12" tiger oscars and two blue claw crays. Needless to say we took them! I took my camera but grabbed a few other shots while I was there.

Behold, my "office":


Our 6ft tropical community (sorry bout the bad photos):



The 200L (unintentional blackwater) community:


currently working on replanting and growing out before stocking properly.

Our African cichlid display (tank is not really big enough but someone broke our old display with a ladder, new tank pending):


The newly arranged oscar tank (previously held driftwood w/ anubias/crypts):




They've got some pretty wicked HITH because the guy didn't feed them properly for quite a while, he said they're getting better though... any advice other than the obvious meds/food?

My view:


And you can't see the reptile section or the fish tanks from here, big store.

Comments welcome, advice appreciated, I'll answer any technical questions also.
arrr the poor wee buggers........the only thing i could say is keep that water crsytal clear,water change water change water change

this could help

"{1.) 15%-20% water changes.... DAILY. If you miss a day it'll be fine... Just don't make a habbit of it

2.) Initially add Doc well fishes salt for fresh water fish to the entire amount of water the tank holds. Follow the directions on the box for dosage.

3.) When your doing your 20% DAILY water change, do it with your gravel vacuum and vacuum some gravel while your taking water out, why not, it won't hurt.... Just be sure to add the appropriate amount of salt to the tank when you re-fill.

4.) Turn your temperature up to 85*, and keep it there for two weeks, sometimes three, sometimes four depending on how bad the exterior damage or parasite is.

5.) This is important. ADD A BUBBLE WALL. A 12" bubble wall will work. It creates more surface break which oxygenates the water even more. You do this because warmer water lacks in oxygen. You may also find your fish laying in the bubble wall, I think they find it soothing.

Do this for two weeks. It will cure just about any external disease or parasite and here's the reason." :good:
Very nice - your "Office" looks very clean and well looked after :good:
keep the tank at 86 for life thats were i keep my temp with no problems but as stated make sure their is enought airation
Start feeding them a variety. Loads of frozen foods.

Keep temperature high, add some salt for stress, it may also help heal and prevent any more disease. Add some Metronidazole twice a day.

Loads of water changes!
Thanks all for the comments!

I visited work today and they seem a lot more active, they have 2 silver dollars and 2 clown loaches for company now. They're getting fed a huge variety, Hikari Gold, frozen worms/shrimp, live worms, live feeders, mealworm, elodea and algae/vege wafers. The whole shabang.

As for tank maintenance water changes don't really have to be done unless it's to clean the bottom of the tank as their tank is on the system so gets fresh water everyday and is continuously cycled. As for treatments they're getting melafix daily and small amounts of multicure.
Sounds good, but the only real medication that treats HITH is metro. Those other medications aren't going to do anything unless the multicure has metro in it.
Sounds good, but the only real medication that treats HITH is metro. Those other medications aren't going to do anything unless the multicure has metro in it.

I'm not sure what that is... doesn't sound like anything we stock, or keep out the back. Is it a commercial product?
really impressive looking place u have there, wish my LFS was that well kept.
I'm not sure what that is... doesn't sound like anything we stock, or keep out the back. Is it a commercial product?

Metronidazole is sold as a commercial over the counter med in the USA. I'm not sure in Australia if it is prescription or not. Either way you can get it, and that fish needs it- google it at ebay.
Check this link

That is a nice looking fs!

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