Totally New Beginner Looking For Some Directions


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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hi there. i have always wanted a marine tank but never did anything about it. Now i have recently aquired an empty aquarium and think it would be ideal for a marine set up.

now obviously i have lots and lots of research to do before i start, so i'm planning on 'starting' this tank in January. that gives me 4 months to do my homework!

what i basically want to know, is there anyone here who could point me in the direction of some online sites where i could start this said research??
there are so many pages online i would really like you guys to point out some good ones to me :)

also is therer any books that i could get that might be of some use?
Read all of the pinned topics, they are most helpful. :)

The first thing you should decide is wheter you want the tank to be FO (fish only), FOWLR(fish only with live rock) or a reef.

For some books, try The New Marine Aquarium: Step by Step Setup and Stocking Guide by Michael Paletta.

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