total cost so far!!!!


Fish Crazy
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Northwest - Crewe (England)
did a little tally up of the reciepts i have for the stuff ive bought, so far ive spent........................................................................................................................

wait for it!!!!.......


£3631.85!!!, that for the reciepts i have got!! and ive still a long way to go!, prob need another 20 - 30kg of L.R, fish & corals ect, but to be honest, i did get ripped off buying the original set-up.
The cost sure does mount up! :crazy:

If i knew you were looking for cheaper establishemnts to get your equipment then i could have given you at least 2 shops that i know of that give excellant prices and do mail order.

If you want top grade liverock then PM me and ill give you their contact details as i simply do not know of any other shop in teh UK that can match their quality and service.

I also know where you can get all your cleanup crew requirments for a fraction of the price! (I really mean fraction.... ;) )
i got my last lot of rock from fantasea on mail order, £185 for 20kg, + £10 P&P, about average, but to get anything half decent i have to travel, was good stuff though, want more clean up crew but they are expensive, want blood shrimps, but theyre around £15 - £20 + each!!, turbo snails are expensive aswell!, the lfs theyre £3.95 each, £2.50 each if i got 50
hmm.. ok..
How about blue leg hermit for 75p each?
Cerith snails and IO snails for roughly 35p - 50p?

Ok these are tiny when you get them but they are great workhorses and will grow.

Dont like to put prices down as i dont like to break any rules but this is only for UK and this board seems to be american based. If the -post gets edited then i do appologise :sad:

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