Total Ammonia Or Free Ammonia?


Fish Aficionado
Sep 3, 2006
Reaction score
Sheffield, England
whats the difference?
i get a reading on total ammonia and nothing on free ammonia.
my test kit is like a chuffin chemistry set :blink: LFS told me these were the most accurate kind.
i already have one.
just there is two ammonia tests in it. Just need to know whats the difference?
Hi ben,
Free ammonia (nh3) is the toxic from of ammonia... nh4+ is ionized ammonia nh4+ isnt toxic(dont worry much about it) in the aquarium..
The Seachem test kit lets you test for free ammonia or total. It takes longer to test with it but if you need to know it's worth the wait. I have the API and Seachem. I got the Seachem because most of the "ammonia eliminaters" don't eliminate the ammonia, they make it into a harmless form but... most test kits will still show the same amount of ammonia as before the "ammonia remover" was added. With expensive fish it's nice to know for sure. (Discus $50+, test kit $10) Don T.
i already have my test kits but thanks anyway.
i just didnt know the difference between the two

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