Torch Vs Frogspawn


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX, USA
I have a torch and a frogspawn coral that have grown very much. i came home early today from work and noticed that both are alot bigger then i thought. they are able to touch each other. the torch was kinda stretched out near the frogspawn. should i be worried about them stinging each other, or whould they be ok since they are in the same family (?) of corals?
I have a torch and a frogspawn coral that have grown very much. i came home early today from work and noticed that both are alot bigger then i thought. they are able to touch each other. the torch was kinda stretched out near the frogspawn. should i be worried about them stinging each other, or whould they be ok since they are in the same family (?) of corals?

im not 100% sure but im pretty sure frogspawn shouldnt touch another coral..but since they are in the same family not sure but id spread them apart a bit to be on the safe side.
The Frogspawn and Torch are both from the same family, Euphyllia. In the wild they live together in massive colonies however in the home aquarium there should be a space around them to allow for their sweeper tenticles. Having said that though my Frogspawn and Hammer seemed to have moved towards each other and since this has happened I have not seen eithers sweeper tenticles :good: it is funny but when they were further apart the Hammer did used to bring out her sweepers and wave them in the direction of the Frogspawn - maybe they now have a truce :fun: Both are doing really well, I love them - they always fully inflate and look gorgeous :wub: I do however feed them, so maybe that also has something to do with it :nod:

Seffie x

I have both and they are so close together since growing that their tentacles are frequently intertwined with neither seeming to mind. If as you say they are growing well and expanding then leave them as they are and keep an eye on them both. If one/both start to retract then you have the solution moving them apart, but until then why move them from an area of the tank which they like :nod:. I think they look quite nice intertwined with one another, mine seem to have more of an issue with the neighbouring elegance!!

Hope this helps

It really depends on the individuals. As mentioned, Euphyllia genus corals are very similar and are all "strong" corals and will tend to out-sting others. Sometimes two Euphyllia live happily next to each other, never fighting, other times it's all out war. In my experience, the "strength scale" for lack of a better term amongst Euphyllia would be Hammer>Frogspawn>Torch. But again, each individual coral is different in this regard. I have two torches, one really bright green, the other a little more dull. The really bright one kills everything around it, even went after the other torch once... However it doesn't fight with the frogspawn right next to it. Very wierd.

If they're attacking each other you'll know cause their tentacles will stick to the other while attacking.

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