Torch Coral Question


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2007
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Hi everyone

I've had a torch coral for ten days or so and seems to have settled in very quickly however two of the mouths are permanantly gaping open with what looks like a pinky-brown film over the opening. They have been like this for about five days now - is this normal? does it mean anything? Other than this they seem very healthy, but I'm worried it may be the start of something nasty.

Can anyone help?

in most cases if the mouth of the coral is gapping open its like the last breath before they die, to prevent im not sure try and feed it maybe or check all water perimeters but by the sounds of it its not good sorry to be the beirer of bad news good luck hopefully you can save him
in most cases if the mouth of the coral is gapping open its like the last breath before they die, to prevent im not sure try and feed it maybe or check all water perimeters but by the sounds of it its not good sorry to be the beirer of bad news good luck hopefully you can save him

OMG what can I do? I tried feeding him some squid but although he caught it and responded to it he didn't eat it. I have checked my parameters and my PH is 7.8 - could that have caused it, or is it something else. Perhaps I should try re-positioning him. Could it be because its close to the glass, the only reason I say this is because one of the heads is fine and that one doesn't touch the glass, whilst the other two do.

So many quaestions..... wil search around for some info, but any advice gratefully received
Today the bubble had receded a bit and it was clear that it isn't the mouth thats got this problem but the space beside it - gonna start a new thread

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