Topping Off Gadget

Lee Barnes

New Member
Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
Sunny South Florida, USA (Hurricane Country!)
Per SH's post regarding topping off, he mentions a few methods, including:

2) gravity drip from a container, simple, easy, cheap

Anyone know how to make one of these, or where I could purchase one? I've got a picture in my mind of one of those IV drip things that you see in hospital rooms. Thanks -
Exactly. A gravity siphon with a valve or clamp to get it to drip just the right amount of water in. Too fast a drip and the tank will overflow, too slow and it will need topped off manually.
I'ts easy:
-any solid plastic container
-airline tubing
-gang valve
-aquarium silicone

Drill a hole in the lowest side portion of the container just large enough to admit airline tubing. Insert the tubing and silicone on both sides. Let cure for 24 hours. Add a gang valve and voila, cheesey semiauto gravity auto topoff. Fill it and walk away. SH

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