Topics lately...


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Chambersburg, PA (USA)
Maybe I'm grumpy because I have to work Easter Monday, but it seems that there have been A LOT of topics posted in Tropical Chit Chat that belong in specific forums.

A see a few topics on bettas, some on catfish, and maybe even one or two on Oddballs.

It seems lately that most of the posts are in this category, and the other sections are getting short-sided, while people wade through a mass of threads in Chit Chat. Besides, the "experts" who are likely to know the answer to your question are more likely to check out posts in specific sections.

Mondays suck :grr:
Sorry just needed to get that off my chest.
I know what you mean but I think it's probably best to post them in chit chat to be honest.

If everyone went about posting all their tank and sand questions in hardware, betta questions in betta and cory questions in catfish there'd be nothing in the Chit Chat section!

I quite like the way there are a few different things in here and I don't often go into the particular forums.


hope your day got better and I agree Mondays are crap! It's a public holiday here today but I am sure people can sympathise! :)

:fish: Dana :fish:
I agree with both of you...I think the stocking questions are fine for here, and some of the more general questions, but I odnt think ppl should post thingslike "How long do Birchirs get" or "Will my Penguin 170 be able to hold extra media like the 330" in the chit chat. We need to excercise our descretion a little more. :thumbs:
Whenever i or one of the other mods spots a topic that should be somewhere else we move it to its appropriate forum. Some people think that by posting their topic in chit chat it will recieve more traffic and get more replies but in truth the replies they recieve are more likely to just be post count booster replies rather than actual advise or help.

Please if you have a species specific question try to post it in the correct forum, it makes finding them easier and keeps the chit chat forum tidy.
If the topics were quickly and consistently moved to the appropriate forum, perhaps people would go to the other forums more often. But when half of the posted threads at any hour of any day belong in a different forum, how can we expect the mods to keep up?

IMO, it's ok for newbies to post pretty much any and all questions here in TCC or in Beginner Questions. If the mods feel it should be moved, then cool. They're just learning and we should make it as easy as possible.

However, the rest of us have been here long enough to know that our question about IDing a particular catfish belongs in Catfish Cradle or that asking about the merits of one filter over another belongs in Hardware. Please do the mods a favor and think about where your question belongs before posting it. Sure, you may get more responses in Chit Chat, but what if everyone posted all their threads here? Things would fall apart very quickly. Please have the courtesy to use the forums as they were intended.

And for the record, I frequent the following boards:
Beginner Questions
African Cichlids
New World Cichlids
Betta and Gourami
Cyprinids and Characins
How does your Garden Grow
Member's Aquarium Pictures

I check out just about every board at least weekly.

There's some great knowledge available on the other boards. Please check them out and more importantly, use them! :thumbs:
This is what I've noticed...

I posted a question about a molly in the livebearers section and it just got pushed down by questions like when will my molly give birth? When will my guppy give birth? When will my platty give birth? Same questions over and over...

So I posted in tropical chit chat and it got pushed down in less than an hour and only got 12 views. SOOOOO where do I post???
I agree I'm telling a lot of people to post in specific forums, but then they don't get seen, so it's a toss-up between people not knowing the answers or the people who do know the answers not seeing th equestion. Hope that made sense.
Thanks Cheese and everybody else for dealing with my grumpiness. But I also thought this was important for noobs and speed posters.

Auratus: I would just post again in the same thread and bump yours up to the top. But just imagine if all those "When will she pop?" threads went here :crazy:
the reason no noe visits the inverts forum or the pond forum is that no one posts there I go in every few days and I see 2 new posts and that is it.

well what exactly ya wanan *chit chat about*? hockey? lol just kidin, we went fishing today trout and got some cool rocks at the creek ..set up some cool shelfs and slopes, we did the vinegar test and none foamed...we have put sevral rocks in our tank from the creek , we live in the ctry NO POLUTION!!! ROCKS are so cool and u can do so much with them, dont over look the pebbles , they all work good on substrate....i like to have the black shale contrasting the lighter gray flat rocks, this effect looks pretty cool, anyone else scarf there own rocks from the creek bed? and YES WE UNDERSTAND THEY HAVE TO BE INERT!!! let us know, is rock talk chit chat btw?????????????????? jezzzzzzzz lol :thumbs:

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