topaz puffer


New Member
May 9, 2004
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hi peeps i am once again in need of your good advice,

i was in walf aquatics yesterday and i saw a topaz puffer there was 5 in a small tank and it was in bad condidtion i couldnt help but buy it but my problem is i dont know to much about puffers at all,

i have done tones of reading and asking about them a expert has told me to keep him in fresh water as its been in fw forever and judt add a few teaspoons of salt for a few days is this right?

i have it in a 5ft 35lgallon tank the fish can go to a maximum of 8" or less is 35gallon tank ok? it has gravel loads of plants and lots of rocks he is eating ok and the ph is high like it says to do,

i just need some advice i dont wanna lose this fish guys??

please help me ;)
See here for a brief descrip and scientific name...

Seems that it is brackish (unless as mentioned in the thread above its a FW puffer missold as topaz) so if its in FW now, then yes, slowly add salt to bring the SG up gradually. Don't add salt directly to the water, mix it first and make sure its fully disolved. I am not sure of the correct SG it should be kept at or what age it is at the moment but I am sure someone else will be able to advise on that.

thankyou for the info,

i have just rang walf quickly and he said hes 100% sure i can keep him in fw so untill i am told otherwise i will do so,

any more advoce i would be grateful

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