Topaz puffer?


Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2004
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Browsing round my LFS today I noticed 2 puffers in a tank labelled Topaz puffers. Well after spending ages looking and cooing :wub: came home and read up on them. Now these puffers were about 4 inches long. According to my fish bible Topaz puffers only grow to about 1-2 inches. Am I correct in thinking they could be Target puffers? They were greenish yellow with brown spots. Nice fish though :nod:
Topaz Puffers are Tetraodon Cutcutia, also know as the Emerald Puffer.

They grow to about 9.5cm (about 4 inches) and are one of the more aggresive species of puffer.

If they are Target Puffers, Tetraodon Cochinchinensis then they are even more aggresive and grown to about 7cm, (about 3 inches)

Sounds like your fish bible is wrong! Sorry!
Aha!! Thanks greatly Sir Minion. Will research further. How's Cookie? :rolleyes:
glolite said:
Aha!! Thanks greatly Sir Minion. Will research further. How's Cookie? :rolleyes:
Cookie's good, thanks for asking. eats like a bloody horse.

If it's any help, the Puffer Bible that we use is Aqualog's The Puffers of Fresh & Brackish waters which we bought from here

It's commonly held to be the formost source of accurate Puffer info.
I have seen Ceylon puffers labled as "Topaz" before, try looking for a pic of Tetraodon fluviatilis ans see it it matches the ones in the LFS.
Pufferpack said:
I have seen Ceylon puffers labled as "Topaz" before, try looking for a pic of Tetraodon fluviatilis ans see it it matches the ones in the LFS.
Aaargh! bloody common names! The cause of so many misidentfied fish.

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