Top Off Water


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2009
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i was wondering if i could just use bottled water for top off like evian or something and was wondering if this is safe
thanks 4 ue help
it is better than tap water, but it would get expensive fast, try to find a ro/di system that is the best water to use
Agree with steelhealr...
Most bottled water is just tap water... Spring water is actually worse.

Use distilled :good:
evian water comes from the french alps and the only purification is done naturally through the ground, its a natural spring water.

desani and aquafina are purified through reverse osmosis process

deer park and most others are natural spring water from diferent regions

distilled, and RO/DI are pretty close in purity but distilled is 2 to 3 times the price per gallon, Ive read (from several sources) that both are too pure to use 100% because it strips important trace minerals that your fish need to be healthy and both sources should be mixed with tap water (with a water conditioner like tetra added to it)

if you have a small tank, buying distilled is not too costly and a ro/di system may be a little over the top since a good system will run $200 or more unless you find a good used deal

hope this helps I recently researched this since I was in the same boat and got different answers
Good answers. Most natural waters contain Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+. All not harmful additives to your tank per se. However, some waters have added minerals for 'flavor'. In addition, recall that what you put in stays in, so, if you are adding x parts per million of copper or iron, over time, it can build up.

Stick with RO/DI or distilled if your budget can do it.

thanks for your help everyone i found a lfs that sells both ro/di (60p gallon) and saltwater ro/di water (£1.25p a gallon) which must be quite cheap so i just topped off with ro/di thanks again
evian water comes from the french alps and the only purification is done naturally through the ground, its a natural spring water.

desani and aquafina are purified through reverse osmosis process

deer park and most others are natural spring water from diferent regions

distilled, and RO/DI are pretty close in purity but distilled is 2 to 3 times the price per gallon, Ive read (from several sources) that both are too pure to use 100% because it strips important trace minerals that your fish need to be healthy and both sources should be mixed with tap water (with a water conditioner like tetra added to it)

if you have a small tank, buying distilled is not too costly and a ro/di system may be a little over the top since a good system will run $200 or more unless you find a good used deal

hope this helps I recently researched this since I was in the same boat and got different answers

but when you mix it with the salt for water changes you will be adding the needed minerals back in. Water changes dont just remove old dirty water you also top up other minerals

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