evian water comes from the french alps and the only purification is done naturally through the ground, its a natural spring water.
desani and aquafina are purified through reverse osmosis process
deer park and most others are natural spring water from diferent regions
distilled, and RO/DI are pretty close in purity but distilled is 2 to 3 times the price per gallon, Ive read (from several sources) that both are too pure to use 100% because it strips important trace minerals that your fish need to be healthy and both sources should be mixed with tap water (with a water conditioner like tetra added to it)
if you have a small tank, buying distilled is not too costly and a ro/di system may be a little over the top since a good system will run $200 or more unless you find a good used deal
hope this helps I recently researched this since I was in the same boat and got different answers