

New Member
Oct 12, 2007
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Elgin Scotland
My Tank Is Quite Stocked But The Top Is Empty So I Want To Get Some Life Thier Could You Suggest Any Fish I Was Thinking Of Some Hatched Fish
from what ive read, hatchet fish are jumpers and prone to disease. i have some honey gouramis that stay around the top. danios might be a good choice too.
Hatchets are one option, also most gourami's :)
This is kind of off topic but I'd suggest you get some more khuli loaches since they like to be in groups. :good:
i have the same problem. i really like how bottem dwellers look, so basicloy i got a bunch of them and not so many top and mid dwellers. so i got some kythat danios to fill up the very top and some hangel's rasbora and some neon tetras to put some stuff in teh middle. and i also got 10 calistus tetras recently but right now they are kinda pansying aroudn th bottem hiding, but i hope and think that is just temoprary while adjusting, the fish store said they would hang out around exact middle of hte tank.

the problem wit danios is that they have no color. tiger barbs would be a good choice, depending on wat kind of other fish u got in there. im still wondering if it would have been a better choice to put tiger barbs instead of the calistus tetras.

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