Top Dwellers


Aug 3, 2005
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I have 9 black neon tetras and they seem to be doing fine. One may even be pregnant, with a triangular shaped-belly. They all look happy, however they seem to only swim right along the surface of the water, and never go down deeper in the tank. They aren't gasping for air or anything, they're just 'dwelling' at the top. Is this normal behaviour or is it possible they're stressed out? They are all swimming in a school, so i doubt they're stressed, but it would be nice to see them swimming around and about my plants.
1) Tetras don't get pregnant

2) Schooling is what fish do when they feel threatened

How big is the tank?

Water stats?

Ok, is she constipated then?

20 gallon with 2 bolivian rams

PH- 7.5
Ammonia- less then 0.25 mg/L (did a recent water change, may have gone down)
Nirite- <0.3mg/L
GH- 9

And one question, how come all of the pictures of healthy, planted aquariums have schooling fish?
Oh one more thing, when i say 'schooling' i don't mean swimming around the whole tank together, but rather just hanging around doing whatever, together. In a group rather than in a line.
Maybe, I'd try giving it a crushed pea and seeing if that helps.

Neons (although Black Neons are less so) are very sensitive fish. Any traces of amonia / nitrite in the water will affect them and I think that is what you are seeing.

And one question, how come all of the pictures of healthy, planted aquariums have schooling fish?

They're probably camera shy... 8)
Black Neons like many similar small tetras normally frequent the bottom of the tank, certainly something is upsetting them if they habitually stay at the top.

Ammonia and nitrite should always be zero, I suspect this is what is stressing them.
Yes, i was guessing, so i just did a water change and they seem perky and swimming every where! :D
I have another question, are they cirectly related to neons and are just a black version, or a different fish that looks alike and so is called black neon?
>>> are they cirectly related to neons

They are a different fish that looks like a black neon. Both regular and black neons are related by virtue of being in the Characin family, but they are in different genera thus not closely related.

They are very different in fact. The Black Neon is a much easier fish to keep and breed. The "original" neon can be very fussy.
My black neons seemed more stressed in my 10g and hid under plants a lot. When I moved them to the 55g, they do stay closer to the top, but don't seem stressed. My regular neons stay closer to the bottom.

The blacks are definitely bigger, mine are zippier than regular ones. I also have to monitor their eating as they will gorge, so I back off feeding flakes. They dart to the surface and gobble everything the gouramis don't manage to eat first. Poor phantoms, I have to work at getting food down to them before the "pig" fish get it first.

Try thawing some frozen peas and crushing them once to release some smaller particles. I found that the black neons will eat them and it helps. Also cucumber and squash, fresh frozen, then thawed. They seem to like the peas best. Or it could be the pleco never leaves the squash alone for anyone else to try some. :p

heh, thanks, but crush with what exactly? I tried to today, and even though i couldn't make the pieces any smaller, when i dropped them in, they seemed gigantic for the fish!

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