On the new (2nd hand) tank I got the other week I have a total of three braces on the top of it made from glass. The two at the left and right have cracked but the middle one is fine. The side ones are somewhat odd because they have a V shape cut into them half way - this looks to have been designed in rather than what someone has "Diy'd" as the cuts are identical in size, shape, position and this is where it has cracked across most likely due to the reduced strength of them - there would literally be like a couple of MM of remaining glass from the straight edge - a tough job to do in situ I would think by hand!
I really do not get why they would be cut like that as it seems to serve no real purpose other than to make them crack easier!
They are this sort of shape
I filled it all up the other day to the brim and have left it for a couple of days and there appears to be no bulging - I can see no gap forming where the side braces are cracked either, they are about where they where when it was completely empty - you can "rub" the broken edges together and they are still touching.
So I am just wondering two thing, if its worth bothering replacing them as they seem to not be detrimental to the tank being broken as there is no flex thanks to the larger central brace.
Secondly I cannot fathom why they where made in this way?? I have no idea what make the tank is to try and figure it out.
I really do not get why they would be cut like that as it seems to serve no real purpose other than to make them crack easier!
They are this sort of shape
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So I am just wondering two thing, if its worth bothering replacing them as they seem to not be detrimental to the tank being broken as there is no flex thanks to the larger central brace.
Secondly I cannot fathom why they where made in this way?? I have no idea what make the tank is to try and figure it out.