Too Much Water?


New Member
Jul 15, 2008
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i'm currently planning to breed my bettas as you all know and i have them in a 18 gallon tub with fake plants and about 5-5.5 inches deep of water. The female has been inside the tank inside of a glass... everytime the male makes some bubbles i let her go and they begin to get rough with eachother but eventually she becomes submissive and begins to run away and swim vertically to show that she is. But everytime he gets near she runs(swims) away and he cant get her... is it because there is too much water???/
Your water level sounds fine :good: Thats what we normally spawn in.

How long has the female been in the chimney with the male outside?
Just been reading your previous posts.
How long did you condition the male and female for? If they haven't been conditioned properly then the female probably wont be ready and will more than likely just get beat up by the male. :(

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