Too much stress coat?


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2003
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I mistakenly added a few Tablespoons instead of 2 Teaspoons.. Can you add too much stress coat?
Once put one teaspoon of stresscoat per 2 gallons of water into my tank. :hyper: I had temporary brain freeze and got mixed up between the stresscoat directions and the ich medication I was using. So I ended up putting 10 teaspoons in the tank instead of 2. I actually did this 2 weeks in a row before I came so my senses and realized what I was doing. :S Nothing happened to the fish. They were all fine. It was a long time ago but I still can't believe I did it.

I wouldn't worry about your little mix up.
stress coat has good bacteria in it so that if your fish are new to their home or something and they aren't doing well, by you addind the stress coat, your adding bacteria so your fish aren't stress, you could really never have to much benficiall bacteria.
Ditto..don't worry about it. They will be fine.
stress coat has good bacteria in it so that if your fish are new to their home or something and they aren't doing well, by you addind the stress coat, your adding bacteria so your fish aren't stress, you could really never have to much benficiall bacteria.

umm..are you getting confused between stress coat and stress zyme..? :unsure: Stress coat is the one that dechlorinates the water and stress zyme is the one with the "good bacteria" in it...adding too much stresscoat in the short term will not bother your fish! :)

But I ahve been told that using it all the time can coat the fish's gills too much..not had any personal experience of this, but thats a tale i was told...! :D
no i'm sure, i looked at my no stress bottle and it says it has more than 100 living benificial bacteria in it to speed you cycling process, the one that decloirnates the water is prime, i also have that.

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