Too much oxygen???


Fish Fanatic
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
USA, Montana
I recently put a new airstone in my 10 gallon tank and it has produced a layer of bubbles across the surface of my tank... Is there such thing as gving your fish too much oxygen?
not unless your pumping in oxygen from a bottle, the water will only absorb so much O2 before it is saturated. You do however have a problem. I'm guessing if you turn off all the filters and air stones you will find something that looks like an oil slick accros the top of your tank, thats partially desolved orgainic compounds and you need to do waterchanges or add activated carbon to deal with it, otherwise it puts undue stress on your fish due to bad water quality.

Hi Molly,
I put my air stone in just two months ago after having my tank for a year. Since then I have had less trouble with algae on the glass due to the increased water motion and my barbs love to play in the fast currents it creates. Some say that if you have live plants they will be affected by too high an oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio but I havent noticed any ill effects so far. The bubbles add so much to my tank both thir look and their sound making it even more relaxing to enjoy I would never go without again. I you decide to try it out post your experience for the rest of us learners. :D
Thanks for the help guys, i do 15% water changes everyday so the stuff on the surface will not be a problem.
you can't overdo it with bubbles really, unless the actual bubbles seem to bother the fish

the o2 in the air will mix with the water at a regular level. there is a maximum concentration it will reach at which point, the bubbles have no more effect.

bubbles are good if you want to increase waterflow though, especially on large tanks that only have one powerfilter, a part of the tank might be stagnant.

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