Too Much Flow?


Aug 24, 2006
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I have a seio 820 on the left hand side and seio 620 on the left hand side. They are both pointing towards the top. My protein skimmer is also on the left hand side and the mechanical filter is on the right hand side.

When I turn off all the stuff the fish seem to swim pretty much everywhere in the tank. When I turn everything back on, they seem to all go back to the right hand side.

Now that I am done typing all this it is amazing how when you say or type something out loud you can come up with your own answer. I will try to turn off one part at the time.

Even though seios are pointin at surface they still cause a large current through the water spreading as they go out further. tbh i would turn down the m820 a little and put it on the right side then the fish will swim every where and you will have better flow.
Well I have turned off my 820 and no changes. All the fish still hang out on the right hand side, but they seem to be moving toward the middle more....Good Idea I will try to turn it down a little.

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