too much filteration


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2003
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st. clair. county, il
i just bought an emperor 400 bio-wheel to replace a whisper4. i also have an hot magnum 250 and two aqua clear 301 power heads in a 55 gal. tank do you think the filtration will be to much for a tropical river scene thanks
I have more than that on my 75g. I have an Emperor 400, AC 500 and 2 301's. That's about what I use for cichlids and piranhas. I took 1 301 out and turned off my AC500 tho because all I have in there right now are 6 red belly piranhas that are about 1/2" and a Melanochromis chipokae so I don't need all the filtration and water flow yet but when the piranha's get a couple inches bigger I will turn it all back on again as the water flow makes them stronger.

I don't think what you have is overkill at all as long as the fish aren't constantly fighting the current.
I asked the same question after your original post. I have a 10 gallon with an aquaclear 300 on it. Way too much filtration if someone were to ask, but its just fine with my fish. Its more a matter of the flow and current from the filter as opposed to the actual filtration. I have pretty hearty cichlids in my tank and they do fine with the current.

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