Too Many?

Kiwi Clint

New Member
Mar 7, 2011
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hey all,
so have set up a tank, and am about to start the fishless cycle...time to think about last!
I have a 150litre tank (which is about 30 gallons i think) and am think of the putting the following into it

12x harlequins
12x cardinals
3 or four clown loaches
and either a couple of angels or discus (open to advice on which of these)

Is this too many fish for a tank this size...or not enough ...or just right...????

from what i have read these fish will be happy together, anyone with thoughts on that as well

thanks muchly
The only problem I see is clown loaches can get up to 30cm each. Obviously won't happen overnight but that's their potential size.

Is this too many fish for a tank this size...or not enough ...or just right...????
The numbers are fine, but..

The only problem I see is clown loaches can get up to 30cm each. Obviously won't happen overnight but that's their potential size.

* 12x harlequins :good:
* 12x cardinals :good:
* 3 or four clown loaches -> 6 dwarf chain loaches (Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki - if you like loaches) or 6-8 Corys of one species or 1m 2f bristlenose plecos or another species of small pleco
* and either a couple of angels or discus (open to advice on which of these) -> I personally think angels and discus should have at least 4*2*2 tanks (where a large school can be kept), which many people do not agree with.. so I would suggest having a pair of Bolivian rams or a pair of keyholes or a pair of Nannacara or 1m 2-3f of one Apisogramma species..
The general consensus on here, from what i've read, seems to be 1" per gallon.Especially in an immature tank, though time,overfiltering,plants and experience can up this number to 1.5"-2".
Harlequins & cardinals both get to 2" don't they? That already gives you 48" in a 30G tank.
Not saying i'm right, just throwing it out there.
The clown loach will get to big as previously advised :)

I have read that angels needs at least 18" height as when fuly grown they are higher than they are wide (obvs) But I would say a bigger tank would be better for an Angel.

The discus again get pretty big and personally I wouldn't keep them in anything smaller than 4ft min. Also I believe they are better in a group of 6 ish. I looked into Discus and there is also temperature difference so they aren't compatible with all community fish
The general consensus on here, from what i've read, seems to be 1" per gallon.Especially in an immature tank, though time,overfiltering and plants can up this number to 1.5"-2".
Harlequins & cardinals both get to 2" don't they? That already gives you 48" in a 30G tank.
Not saying i'm right, just throwing it out there.
Actually 150 litres is 40 gallons.

The length per volume guidelines are really only vague guidelines.. for example, would you put at 30" oscar into a 30 gallon tank? I hope not! On the other hand, 30 neons..? Maybe, but I personally think 20 neons and 10 Corys would work better as they cover different areas of the tank.

As for the filtration, any filter which can deal with 3-5 ppm of ammonia can definitely support that many fish from a bio point of view.. on the other hand from the mechanical point of view and nitrate, that very much depends on maintenance and other details of the set-up.

Plants can really act both ways, but of course some really are always better, but from my point of view more for making the fish feel secure than anything else. Nitrate removal is just a very nice bonus.

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