Too Many Fry Help


New Member
Nov 15, 2006
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New York
Ok I need some suggestions I have a 20 gallon tank with 6 platys 4 female 2 male and 3 albino corys. 2 of my females have dropped a load of already. I was hoping to have maybe 2 or 3 survive well it turns out about 20-28 have survived and are happily swimming around the main tank. They are still tiny but I guess too big now to be eaten by the adult fish, sort of just killingthem which I do NOT wanna do, does anyone have any suggestions as what to do, If I get a Gournmi will it eat most of them? Should I not feed the fish for a few days, maybe when they get hungry they will eat some of them. I wish I had the room to keep them all but I don't. and worst part is the other 2 platys look like they will pop any day now, too bad i can't keep them all they are cute. I checked with the LFS they need to be bigger before they will take them and that willover load my Biofilter long before then. Thanks
can u borrow a small tank or get a fry nursery net to isolate them untill they get a little bigger. you should keep them as on one hand you could sell the matured fish and keep a few smaller ones or the other way round but either way good luck
Some fry will never be eaten in tanks. It's the strangest thing. They will swim around like the boss of the tank. Getting another fish like a Gourami might help. They love fry. There is no guarantee though.
You could also just put them in an everyday container that you would find around the house. Things such as jars would work if you clean them out with water only.
I would call around to different pet stores and see if any will take them for credit when they get bigger. You could end up getting free fish supplies out of the deal. That might be better.

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