Too many fish for a 10 gallon?


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I have these fish

1 botia modesta (orangefin loach) (2 inches)
1 dalmation molly (1.5 inches)
7 neon tetras (less than an inch each)
1 glass catfish (2 inches)
1 male betta (1.5 inches)
1 bumblebee catfish (2 inches)

I think my fish do well in my 10 gallon but what do you think?
keep in mind your catfish will most likely grow, your molly will grow too and so will the loach

i think you are overstocked but with proper filtration, you might pull it off.

I'd filter assuming you had a 30 gallon in there. The betta might not like the current produced by such filtration though
I don't think my molly will grow much. The pet store said she would most likely stay the same size. The catfish will grow I know. His mid-size will be 4 inches. I am looking to upgrade to a 20 gallon in about a month for my birthday so I think they will be happier in there. :D
I have had the same loach before and he didn't grow past 2 inches, but I read online they could grow to almost 10 inches. If he gets bigger I will definately need to re-home him.

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