Too Many Filters


New Member
Mar 1, 2004
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West Covina Ca.
I have my eye on a 30 gallon tank. Is it okay to have too many filters connected to it. I would like to keep the water clear, oderless, and as stable as possible. I was thinking of buying a Hagen Aquacler 150 power filter. I was also think of having a Under Gravel Filter to help keep the bottom of the tank clean. Would this be okay having two systems? Also, what's better, UGF or reverse UGF? What other filteration system or systems would you recommend?
hi aquafan :D

I've got a 3 ft tank with 2 x aquaclear 150 hang on back filters and an ugf .......I like a lot of filtration in the tank.....and the fish seem to like it too. So long as there is not too much water flow for the type of fish you have (some of the fish with very long flowing fins are not good strong swimmers) imo you can't really have too much.

have never used a reverse flow ugf.....but the research says they are a lot cleaner than the regular ones and you don't run the risk of getting dead spots and a build up of gunge under them. Wait and talk to some of the people here who have them operating in their tanks and they will be able to give you a better idea.

good luck with the tank

Fish only tank right?

Reverse ugf... but better NO UGF at all.
HOB and can filters are the easy and best way to go.

Cans can be very quiet and out of the way. To do a can well you need a good prefilter... that can be as easy as a rubberband around a filter pad around the inlet. or most brands have a nice add on.

Penguins are nice HOB. with the built in biowheel. Get the largest one that you can fit on your tank. Even better is get 2. That gives you the bonus of cleaning only one at a time (keeps good bacteria on the job), 2 if you have a sicko you just take one and flop it onto a $2 plastic tub as a sick tank. You wont get too much flow... if you do break it up with a rock or some plants.
HOB are easier to clean...

I get expensive eheims... think my 2229 is rated for a 160 g tank. When I clean it, there is nothing to clean... literally (well I clean the poo from the prefilter ...some times hehe). I have a 75g tank... Only think I wish is I had MORE flow for my lazy fish.
When my water is low and the inlet is crashing watter down the fish (rainbows and cichlids alike) love to play in the watter current. So, I am thinking of sticking a maxi jet 1200 in the corner for them to play with... probably keep it on a timmer with my lights.

UGF are a pain.
I don't think you can have too much filtration, technically.

But, you can have too much current, and that usually limits your maximum filtration.

Personally, I'd forget the UGF, and go with a HOB or canister.

Odorless and stable will come from any sufficient filter, in my opinion. The "clear" part may be more difficult, if you mean absolutely clear.

If that's a big factor, you might want to consider Marineland's Magnum 350 canister filter. Although I've never owned one, I hear good things about them, and that model has an available micron cartridge that reportedly is excellent for "water polishing".
Hi aquafan :)

I'd skip the UGF and go for an AquaClear 300 hang on back filter. I have one running in my 55 gallon tank and it does a good job. While I was waiting to set up that tank, I ran it for some time in a 20 gallon long and it was not too much water flow for even that tank.

The AquaClear filters have room above the sponge that you can fill with filter floss for additional filtration.

These filters do a good job at a very reasonable price. :thumbs:

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