too many different filters :S

For a 30 Gallon you would be fine using most external power filters. Do a search on the forums - filters have been discussed over and over and over. I personally like the bio-wheel power filters. After doing thorough research, I came to a conclusion that they work the best! Others seem to prefer Hagen Aquaclear or canister filters. The answers are out there! Good luck with it.

Power filters are the best choice. I'd recommend avoiding undergravel, which lead to a decline in water quality over time. Hanging power filters like Aquaclears and Emperors are both good filters. I use aquaclears for power filters, the bio-wheel works, but then, the ones with no bio-wheel have never given me a problem, so it's sort of like fixing something that isn't broken.
Canister filters are great too. I like canisters because they hold a lot of media and enable a tank to run completely silent. They are also very versatile and good for water movement.
im currently using a biolife filter and that seems to be running very well but id like an external filter as i dont like the way it looks in my tank :p
:D I have 3 fluvals and 1 eheim an to be honest I'd recommend either, the fluvals do come with all the stuff to just set up and go, you have to buy the eheim filter media

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