Too Many Cherry Shrimp


Sep 23, 2007
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I started with about 10 cherry shrimp, but now seem to have hundreds of the little creatures. I do like them, but I think it's too many now.

Do you think an lfs would take some off my hands? I don't want paying for them, I just need to donate a few to a new home!

Or would someone here like them? I would be happy to give you some if you can come and collect.
Hi, would love some off you but bet your to far away :unsure:

If you say where you are you may get more people offering to come and collect.

good luck with re-homing,
There are quite afew people who would love to have them on this forum...if you could put the area you live in this would help...but also people would as probably take them off your hands if you could send them via mail (im one of them!!!).
Oh sorry, I thought it showed where I was! I'm in Orpington, Kent.

Not sure about posting them, might do that if I can't get rid of them any other way.

Not looking forward to trying to catch them though, in a heavily planted tank :blink:
You can use a small 500ml drinks bottle (thoroughly rinsed out under the tap first) with small holes in it to help it sink, and some shrimp food in it :good: .
Don't give them away, even if you only sell them for about 70p each they will still help to pay towards fish food etc, helping to fund your hobby. There are ALWAYS people looking to buy cherry shrimp (and most shrimp species for that matter), it's a rapidly growing section of the hobby and as such there is a very large demand for livestock. I really wouldn't give them away though, as when you give animals away it gives some people the idea that they are 'disposable' so to speak, it devalues them in their eyes.

I can pretty much guarantee that your LFS will give you a nice bit of store credit for them at the very least.


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