Too hot


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2005
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To start, I have a 5 gallon baby guppy growout tank with 3 khulie loach in the bottom, and a 25 gallon with 5 guppies, 4 cories (2 peppered, 2 albino), and 3 khulie loach in it.

We've been having some REALLY hot weather recently and my bedroom (where the tanks are) has been up in the 90º region. At the moment my fishtanks are sitting at 88º. The temperature has gone up slowly, and the fish don't seem bothered, but does anyone foresee any problems here? The heaters in both the tanks are set to about 76º so we're well over what the fish are "used to" here...I'm worried the heat is going to stress them out and kill them.

We don't have air conditioning in the house, so I've tried keeping my curtains closed to keep as much heat out, and pointing fans directly on the tanks, but nothing is bringing the temperature down.

We've kept tanks in the house for years with no problems like this, so I'm sorta stumped as to what would be the best thing for the fish. Is there any way to cool the water down at all, or is it best to leave it at a steady temperature? Should my fish be alright?

I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Yesterday was the first day (our air conditioning just went out), and my fish were ok, but it had me worried because the temp got pretty high. Im glad to know that adding ice cubes is safe.
Yep, and from what I've seen in my (short) time here, Wilder's on the ball and great for reliable advice. I'm a lot less worried now :nod:
I have the same problem....although the temp doesnt drastically change in short time, this week has been the hottest ever( 30-32 degress with humidex!!) around here, for a long while ( I live north of Toronto about an hour, its usually never this hot)
Good to know i can keep my fishies cool :rofl:
Higher the temperature, the less oxygen will dissolve in the water. If you're worried about it, get an airstone, increase surface agitation, put another filter in the tank to turn the water over, etc. 88F isn't very high at all - I wouldn't worry about that as long as you have good circulation in the tank.

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