I said I would never buy a fish without researching it first BUT, they had the coolest fish at LFS today. They were just listed as tonguefish. So far I've found out that they are from the family cynoglossidae and look like a tiny flounder. I've read that some of largest fish in the family can get to 30cm. They are totally flat and have both eyes are close together on top of body. They had five of these at LFS and they were all stuck to the glass. I couldn't resist and bought one. It is about 2 inches in length. I was planning on putting it in a 10G with some guppies. LFS did not know anything about this fish does anyone have one of these??? I'm not even sure what to feed it. I have 14 days to bring it back if I can't figure out what to do with it but, I really like it. Any advice?