Todays lesson

sorry to hear. but (lol) happened to me before too!!! ...and i just HAD to put the tank in a carpeted room ... :S

i have since bought a Hagen gravel vac with the bucket clip. that little clip saves me so many headaches! I recommend the Hagen vac to anybody who likes to use the self-start sihpons.
I've done that as well. Luckily I can usually persuade a small child to hold the end of the hose into the bucket. (There are some plusses to having four siblings) :lol: :lol:
oh, i've done that too. wasn't paying attention, water everywhere, including on the dog :rofl: (she still trys to help me clean tanks though, go figure). i now but an old bath rug in front of the tank so that will at least soak up the worst of it if i do it again (which, um, i have.....) :p
Yes I also did that 1 too many times. I finnally wised up. Not I have these pieces of what used to be a cardboard box. I hide em away in the crawl space and just throw em on the floor before doing anything with the tank. What a life saver, I was glad I had em down last weekend when I did it again.

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