Today isnt my day at all

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
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Hazard Kentucky
Is on his side. Could someone tell what I have done this morning to deserve all this trouble? I have had a lot of trouble this morning but this tank has always been fine. Anyways the fish is on his side and the other one fins are clamped. The ph this morning was 7.2 which this is how it always stays and the ammonia is 0 and the nitrite is 0. I have had some problems with swimbladder and I still havent got that lined out but I dont think this is what is ailing them. I dont know which way to go with them.Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong with these fish. I have had these for almost two years I rescued them from a puffer fish who had their fins for lunch. And I have done good with them until a month ago. The one on its side just finished eating about a hour ago and now it is messed up again, as for the other one I just dont know what to make of it. Its fins are clamped and it is staying on the bottom along with the other one. I hope this topic make some since to you all.
Its midnight here so i dont know if i can help much just now, but will try.

How long have you let him go without feeding anything? An idea may be to let him go for 5 days to clear him out and then restart by feeding the peas again.
your tank parameters look normal as well. what kind of filtration do you have? I know nothing about american filters so if you could tell me the out put per hour and how many gallons the tank is.
Is there plenty of aeration in the tank?
If making him go hungry doesnt work then i'm afraid it might be an infection of the swimbladder which might not be curable i'm afraid.
clamped fins could be any reason, have you noticed any flashing or scratching on the rocks or ornaments at all? a pic of the whole tank may be useful too.
Will be back tomorrow and will have a look for something else that might have been missed. :)

do you have a reading for the nitrates?
How often you clean out the tank and how much each time? do you gravel vac as well? clamped fins and nothing else suggests there is something wrong with the water or does the tank have a fast flow around it making the fish tired?
Also, if theres a large count in bacteria then this too will make your fish sick thats why its vital you keep up with regular water changing and washing the filter out in used tank water.
as for the swimbladder, diseases of other internal organs may affect the bladder either through infections or fighting with other fish, and i think you mentioned in a previous post he was injured by a puffer and it may be something he has to live with. i dont think it will be too distressing for him though.
sometimes putting the fish into a shallow tank with around 6 inches of water and a level teaspoon of salt per gallon may help ease it and if that helps then you could try him again in a couple of weeks time in the big tank.
i'm afraid theres that many things that can go wrong with the bladder that the only way to get a definite diagnosis is to take him to a vet for an x-ray on it.
to be honest i dont think you are doing anything wrong its just the way the fish are.
getting the nitrate reading would help as a high count in that can make fish have problems.
ummm i cant really help very much but it could either be the water or temp if its happening to all the fish.Anyway i hope they make it .good luck
The pump that I have pumps about 75 gallons per hour. Do you think that is what it could be. My boyfriend is so carzy over these fish I hate to lose him. I done a real big water change this morning. And nothing I do seems to be working. I want so much to save this fish. I can feed him peas and they are nothing wrong with its eating. The Nitrates are 10 ppm is that good??? I they arent any change by morning I will probally take this fish to the vet for exrays. I clean the tanks weekly and a gravel vac. every two weeks...These fish keep thier tank clean on thier on if you know what I mean.
I dont know how many gallons your tank holds angel lady, but for goldies filtration should be 10 times the tank capacity. which filter are you using as well, even though im not used to american filters then maybe someone else can tell you if thats adequate for the type of fish.
the nitrates are perfect so thats not the problem, but dont do any more than a 50% water change each time.
whats your routine with the tank when it comes to cleaning it? doing gravel vacs once a week will keep the water quality better. you could have a bacterial infection going on but its really hard to tell as theres no other symptoms.
you may also just have a fish thats prone to this problem.
sorry i cant be more help.
My filter are MELLIMUIN 3000 the tank is a 30 gallon High. I will start doing a gravel vac one a week then. I am about sure it is swimbladder but I think it is advanced so far that they arent much hope. I am going to try the six inches of water.
ah deep water. goldies dont do well in high tanks. I cant say that it would solve the problem but they would do better in a long tank, more area for oxygen transference and less stress on the air bladder.
you said your filter turns over 75 gallons in an hour, so for a 30 gallon tank you need 300 gallons per hour turnover.
I am a dumb rump I forgot to tell you that I have two of these on this tank. The only reason why I bought the 30 gallon high was because I was mislead on another gold fish forum that the moors do best in a high tank I have a 20 long I could but them in. If you think that is the best thing I could do...All I want is what is best for the moors and if it cost me money to buy what they need then I dont care what the cost. I will get it today for them..
If you have the 20 long spare then you could transfer the fish over to that one and i would only put in a couple of handfulls of the gravel as well to keep any bacteria down as it lives mostly in the gravel, and your fish will have something to mouth on. with the filters already cycled then you shouldnt have many problems. I dont know if it will help with the balance problems and i would still starve the fish for a number of days and place in shallow salted water and then keep feeding the peas and try boiled rice. Feeding your fish may involve having to keep feeding him gelled foods. When you fed him that recipe i gave did you notice any difference in balance at all?
If you decide to put the fish in shallow water salt the water after the fish has been put in and add 1 level teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon and twelve hours later do the same to get a .2% solution and try that for a week or so and hopefully with fingers crossed that might help. If you need to do water changes then remember to put back 2 teaspoons of salt to each gallon you put back in.
Thanks so much Black Angel for the help but my fish died this evening. I tried everything I could do and the other one is on its side... I dont hold out much hope for the other one living either,,,
Oh no thats so sad for you :-(
I know you loved that fish but you did really try to help him. If the other one is showing the same symptom then it must be something along the lines of a viral infection. My sympathies for you and your fish. :sad:

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