Today Is A Bad Day Rip Pixie :(


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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So....i've shed alot of tears this morning when i got news from the vet that pixie has got to be put to sleep, the poor girl has alot of problems and if kept alive is going to die slowly in pain, I keep crying as i type this, these things are so hard :(

Anyway i wanted to make a post about her life, although it was short she was a very loved cat. She enjoyed sitting on our shoulders, huddling into your top, she seemed such a happy cat yet always had bad she has been back and forth to the vets but this has uncovered nothing untill unsure of every last detail but id prefer to forget all the bad stuff anyway! here is her life, in pictures,

and for all who dont know who pixie is, she is a cute little girl we rescured from the tip and brought back to health along with 3 other cats we have.

The day we got her would you belive this happened? she fell straight in love with us! and we did with her, A video of the day we got her

time for her new home,



her and miracal fell in love, such sweet pictures!

and she has got to be the cutest kitten ever :)



for some odd reason she enjoyed playing at the side of my bed!


inseprable love


all 3 rescue cats together!



you can see in this picture that she is not well,


There is alot more pictures but i feel these do her justice enough, Pixie is going to be coming home for abit and we are going to spend a few more hours with her before we take her back to the vet,

Thanks for reading guys, 2 hours from now and pixies life with be just a loved memory :( i still cannot belive it came to this.
Oh you poor thing. I am crying as I am reading this. She is the spitting image of my Suzie, also pure black and now 19. Every day is a blessing. My thoughts are with you.
Oh that is so sad! Your Pixie is identical to my cat, Pepsi. He looked just like that as a kitten - he's 13yrs old now and much fatter. I know how dreadful this must be for you and your family to say goodbye to a much loved friend - I've come close to losing my Pepsi twice over the years and it is a heartbreaking situation to be in, I know. :sad:

All you can do is give her lots of affection in her final hours with you and know that you gave her a great quality of life since rescuing her.

Thoughts are with you - Athena
Thanks guys it means alot. Its called FIP which stands for "feline infectious peritonitis" but due to us not knowing about it, she has lots of other problems aswell, as ive said id prefer not to go into them though.

We are also going to be keeping her untill later on now, 7 is our deadline :( we have thought about keeping ehr alive longer but she will be in pain so we are going to look out for her 1st...even if its hard to do.
As it's infectious, have you had your other cats checked over for this?

Poor little love - can't they give her any painkillers?

Thought about that and already got it covered, she has had some antibiotics to help with the pain but she has alot of other problems aswell and it would be unfair to keep putting her through it all, its also affected her mouth, her eating, she has trouble retracting her claws and all her nodes are flaring, she hasnt put much weight on either yet eats loads, to top this of she has been throwing up loads,
I'm so sorry to hear about Pixie =( I followed your story on her first thread and you were a wonderful parent to her. She had a good life with you.
Pixie has been put to sleep at 7.13pm, We took her with us and allowed the others to know she was gone, I've just put her into her box and she is going to be buried in our back garden tomoz when i finsh work.

It's the hardest thing i've had to do in a long time :(

RIP pixie, you will be missed x
Sorry to hear that, its such a shame when one of our pets leave us. Just remember the good times like her playing at the side of your bed!

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